stomach ulcers

Can Stress Cause Diarrhea? The Gut-Brain Connection

If you have ever experienced “butterflies in your stomach” or felt like your guts were “tied up in knots” while under stress, you have experienced the gut-brain connection. [1] According to the Cleveland Clinic, stress can cause diarrhea, it can also cause other symptoms of GI distress like bloating, belly … Read More

Is Your Heartburn Medication Putting You at Risk for Osteoporosis?

Do you frequently experience heartburn?  If so, you’re not alone.  Approximately half of U.S. adults have heartburn at least once a month according The American College of Gastroenterology.[1]  In fact, more than 15 million Americans experience heartburn symptoms every single day!  To extinguish the flame of heartburn symptoms, most people … Read More

Are NSAIDs Safe? New Findings Address Risk Factors

Are NSAIDs safe? After the drug rofecoxib (Vioxx) was pulled from the market due to concerns about its cardiovascular safety, experts turned their attention to celecoxib (Celebrex), another pain reliever in the same drug class. But a landmark study has found that celecoxib poses no greater risks to heart health … Read More

Zinc: Does It Really Fight Off a Cold?

You’re achy and stuffy and your throat feels like you swallowed sandpaper. Congratulations! You’ve got a cold. Now what? From eating chicken soup to sleeping in wet socks, people try a multitude of cures for the common cold. One of the best scientifically proven remedies, however, can be found in … Read More

Quince Fruit: Fall’s Best-Kept Secret

You may have read about it in a cookbook or even saw it at the grocery store, but chances are that you’ve never actually eaten a quince. Pronounced the same way as “quints,” this under-the-radar fruit resembles a strange-looking pear, and it’s delicious, versatile, and very healthy for you due … Read More

Vitamin B3: Keeping Your Heart and Brain Healthy

Vitamin B3—more formally known as niacin or nicotinic acid (not to be confused with nicotine!)—contributes to the function of every part of your body. It plays a key role in metabolism, is necessary for a healthy liver and nervous system, and is important in the production of sex and stress … Read More

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