having trouble sleeping

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Has a friend ever bragged about how refreshed he feels after just four or five hours of sleep the night before? Do you know a child who resists going to bed at a reasonable hour because she “doesn’t feel tired?” Do you find yourself on an inconsistent schedule when it … Read More

How Is Depression Diagnosed?

If you think you might be suffering from depression, the only way to know for sure is to see a doctor or mental health professional. Once you’ve made that important first step, your first question may well be: “How is depression diagnosed?” The process starts with a doctor or mental … Read More

Insomnia Medication: Understand the Differences

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a list featuring a variety of sleep aid medications to treat insomnia. Because these are powerful medications, they should be used carefully and, in most cases, not for extended periods. If your doctor suggests medications to treat your insomnia, be sure … Read More

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