
What Keeps You Up at Night? 6 Ways to Beat Insomnia

You no doubt have found yourself tossing and turning at night, failing to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. If that sounds too familiar and happens too frequently, you may be suffering from insomnia. Any insomnia definition describes an inability to fall asleep. However, the condition—which effects an estimated 60 … Read More

Your Risk Level for Alzheimer’s

People joke about “senior moments,” those times when your brain goes blank mid-sentence, you forget your own phone number, or simple math becomes confusing. Perhaps you forget the names of friends, misplace things frequently, or rely on an extensive array of sticky notes, calendars, and lists to remember everyday activities. … Read More

Why Should I Stretch?

Flexibility exercises like stretching and range-of-motion movements seems like the common-sense move, but many people, especially older adults, ignore their flexibility, or do exercises incorrectly, or at the wrong time, like before workouts, or do not perform them on a regular basis, so their flexibility never improves. However, strong evidence … Read More

8 Recently Discovered Prediabetic Symptoms You Can Identify Yourself

One of the unfortunate things about type 2 diabetes is that classic diabetes symptoms—excessive urination and thirst, for instance—rarely occur until the disease is well advanced. This means diabetes often remains undiagnosed for many years, such that approximately 50 percent of patients already have dangerous diabetes-related complications by the time … Read More

How Sarcopenia Can Threaten Your Mobility

Threats to a person’s mobility and independence come in various forms. Some are obvious while others develop gradually and have a cumulative effect, such as sarcopenia. For many older adults, inactivity is a process that develops over decades. The older some people get, the less active they become. It’s not … Read More

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