periodic limb movement disorder

What to Know About Twitching While Sleeping

Have you ever been jerked out of sleep by a sudden twitch or uncontrolled muscle movement, or noticed jerks and twitches in your sleep partner? You are not alone, since these movements during sleep occur in up to 70 percent of people. They are commonly called sleep starts or hypnic … Read More

7 Natural Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment Options

We all get antsy from time to time and feel the need to get up and move around. But for people who suffer from restless leg syndrome, these feelings aren’t just an occasional bother. The urge to move and the uncomfortable, even painful, sensations in the legs and other parts … Read More

Get a Sleep Study and Put an End to Your Restless Nights

You slept for seven hours last night, but today you still feel tired. Sometime overnight, your bed partner retreated to the couch, unable to tolerate your snoring and recurrent awakenings. Trouble is, you don’t remember a thing. All signs point to obstructive sleep apnea, characterized by brief halts in breathing … Read More

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