sleeping pills

Sleep Apnea Solutions Using CPAP Alternatives

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition that can increase your risk for a lot of other conditions that you really want to avoid. Complications from sleep apnea can include heart attack, dementia, glaucoma, diabetes, and even some types of cancer. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the best and … Read More

Can’t Sleep? Here’s What May Help Beat Your Insomnia

Insomnia is now at epidemic levels. Up to half of Americans are wondering how to beat insomnia and suffer from at least one of the four cardinal insomnia symptoms: Difficulty falling asleep Inability to stay asleep Waking up in the early morning Experiencing nonrestorative sleep Almost a quarter of the … Read More

What Causes Nightmares? 7 Common Triggers

You may remember, as a kid, occasionally waking up in a cold sweat, startled out of your slumber by one of those frighteningly vivid nightmares. Perhaps the experience still pops up from time to time; bad dreams may be more common in children, but adults aren't immune to them. Around … Read More

Don’t Rely on Sleeping Pills Alone to Get Your Shut-Eye

Over-the-counter and prescription sleeping pills might seem like an easy fix for your insomnia. After all, who wouldn’t want to get a better night’s sleep just by taking a pill? Trouble is, many sleep medications may cause unwanted side effects, especially in older adults. So, many sleep experts encourage judicious … Read More

Trouble Sleeping? Try These Essential Oils for Sleep

More and more, health experts are recognizing how sleep disturbances are an extremely important health problem that affect the physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being of millions of people around the world. Aromatherapy, or the inhalation of essential oils, has been shown to be a safe alternative to sleeping … Read More

Insomnia Medication: Understand the Differences

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a list featuring a variety of sleep aid medications to treat insomnia. Because these are powerful medications, they should be used carefully and, in most cases, not for extended periods. If your doctor suggests medications to treat your insomnia, be sure … Read More

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