increased appetite

What Is Hypersomnia?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), hypersomnia is recurring and severe episodes of daytime sleepiness or prolonged sleeping at night. Daytime sleepiness may cause an irresistible lapse into daytime napping, sometimes without warning, called sleep attacks. After waking up from a nap or sleep attack, … Read More

Tricyclic Antidepressants: Do They Work?

Tricyclic antidepressants were one of the original drugs prescribed for depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. "Tricyclic" refers to the presence of three rings, or atoms, in the chemical structure of these drugs. Tricyclic antidepressants also are used for anxiety, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain. Physicians may prescribe tricyclic antidepressants for diabetes, shingles, … Read More

Quit Smoking: Increase Your Life Expectancy with COPD

If you're battling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and you're still a smoker, you've likely already heard this good advice: Give up cigarettes and you can improve life expectancy with COPD. Nicotine is an addictive substance that acts on regions of the brain that produce pleasurable effects, and it produces these … Read More

Hypothyroidism Symptoms in Women

Hormones are chemical messengers that are essential for many of the body`s functions. The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland in your neck is one of the key regulators of hormone function in the body and plays a crucial role in growth, metabolism, and mood. Having hypothyroidism—also known as a “low” or “underactive” … Read More

Signs of Diabetes: What the Symptoms Mean

Many of the same symptoms can be seen in people with type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes; however, people with type 1 diabetes tend to have more severe and more sudden-onset symptoms. Conversely, some people with type 2 symptoms may have few or no signs of diabetes, particularly in … Read More

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