brain tumor

What Is Hypersomnia?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), hypersomnia is recurring and severe episodes of daytime sleepiness or prolonged sleeping at night. Daytime sleepiness may cause an irresistible lapse into daytime napping, sometimes without warning, called sleep attacks. After waking up from a nap or sleep attack, … Read More

Phantom Smells: What Are They and What Do They Mean?

Ever smelled smoke, burnt toast, or sewage when there was no such scent around? You could be one of millions who experience phantom smells, or phantosmia, as it’s known in the medical community (more on that in the sidebar "What is Phantosmia?"). According to a study published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head … Read More

Exertion Headache? Consider the Causes and Try These Treatments

If you tend to develop a headache while exercising or start feeling a headache after you exercise, it’s likely that you’re suffering from the exertion headache phenomenon. You’re more likely to experience an exertion headache if you also suffer from migraine symptoms, which can also stem from vigorous exercise. Exertion … Read More

Myoclonus: An Innocent Twitch—or a Serious Illness?

What is myoclonus? According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, myoclonus “refers to sudden, involuntary jerking of a muscle or group of muscles.” It is a symptom, not a disease, affecting 8.6 people per 100,000 in its more serious presentations. A myoclonic twitch or a myoclonic jerk—when … Read More

What Is Depression? Symptoms Tell the Story

Depression is a disorder that negatively affects mood, thoughts, and behavior. It is also known as “major depressive disorder” or “clinical depression,” and for a diagnosis to be made, symptoms must have been present for at least two weeks. It is a common but serious mood disorder, but with appropriate … Read More

Are You Suffering from Jaw Pain?

Because your jaw is one of the joints you use most often, dealing with jaw pain can be difficult: It can affect your ability to talk, eat, and even concentrate. Often, jaw pain is related to problems with your teeth resulting from an oral health issue or from a habit … Read More

Seizures: Causes, Triggers, and Treatments

A seizure is one of those scary things that most of us don't really know much about. But if you or a loved one have seizures or are epileptic, you can work with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and choose the best treatment. What Is a Seizure? In … Read More

Brain Tumor Causes Aren’t Always Clear

You’ve been experiencing an array of symptoms, from headache and nausea to vision disturbances and concentration problems. Understanding that, among other potential disorders, a brain tumor causes these warning signs, your doctor recommends testing to identify the source of your symptoms. At this point, you probably wonder how you might … Read More

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