reduce anxiety

Weighted Blanket Benefits

If you go to Amazon or search Google for weighted blankets, you will find many options with average prices ranging from twenty-five to one hundred dollars. There is nothing very technical about a weighted blanket. It is just a blanket with more weight evenly distributed into the banket so it … Read More

Omega-3 Benefits and Deficiency Symptoms

The one supplement most experts recommend to almost everyone—no matter your age, height, weight, or gender—is omega-3 fatty acids. Because of their wide-ranging health benefits, omega-3 supplements are the closest thing we have to a miracle pill. But why? Simply put, omega-3 fatty acids are essential. The body can synthesize … Read More

Psychobiotics: Probiotics That May Impact Mood

It’s hard to believe that by altering the bacteria in your gut, you can better handle stress, improve your mood, and even treat your anxiety or depression. But an explosion of research into the fascinating world of the gut-brain connection is showing just that. We now know that you can … Read More

Alzheimer’s Treatment Options

Despite decades of research and promising developments, there is still no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. One or more of the drugs currently being tested may offer hope, but the results of those studies are still a few years away. In the meantime, there are Alzheimer’s treatment options that can help … Read More

OCD: Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common form of anxiety disorder marked by uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and the urge to engage in repeated behaviors or rituals (compulsions). OCD will affect 2.3 percent of adults in their lifetime. Research by the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) revealed that approximately 1.2 percent … Read More

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