depression or anxiety

Mental Breakdown Symptoms: a Checklist

When people are suffering from a mental illness such as depression or anxiety, they often ask themselves, “Am I having a mental breakdown?” Intense, negative feelings and any number of mental breakdown symptoms can make you feel like you’re losing control. The truth is that, for better or worse, most … Read More

Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Cures

Erectile dysfunction causes can be attributed to many diseases and medical conditions known to cause ED. The first step treatment is ensuring that you are appropriately treating any underlying medical disease causing your ED. For example, if you have diabetes, managing your blood glucose levels is not only critical for … Read More

Low Libido? 8 Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive

Fatigue, stress, children, routine, and even some diseases—all of these factors can cause low libido and become enemies of your sex drive. If you and your partner have hit a wall, there are ways to get back the energy... and the desire. Act now! The “eternal honeymoon,” after all, is … Read More

What’s the Right Vitamin D Level?

We know we need vitamin D: It contributes to healthy muscles and bones and also plays a role in our mental well-being. In fact, new research from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging (TILDA) at Trinity associates vitamin D deficiency with a substantially increased risk of depression—more than 75 percent—over … Read More

Are You Tired of Being Tired?

Surprisingly, there is no universally agreed upon definition of fatigue. It has been described as “an overwhelming sustained sense of exhaustion” or “an overwhelming subjective sense of tiredness and lack of energy.” Fatigue’s nonspecific nature is part of what makes it so difficult to define and treat. Feeling tired much … Read More

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