signs of cancer

Even a Benign Tumor Needs Treatment

Here’s the deal: A benign tumor is still a tumor. No, it’s not cancer, but it’s still an abnormal growth that shouldn’t be present in your body. And anything abnormal, including a benign tumor, needs to be monitored, at the very least. Obviously, the diagnosis of a benign tumor is … Read More

Is Skin Cancer Itchy?

Is skin cancer itchy? The easy answer to this question is, “No, itchy skin by itself is not likely to be a symptom of skin cancer,” but it’s important to look beyond the easiest answer. Each type of cancer has its own set of symptoms, and there is some overlap … Read More

Brain Tumor Causes Aren’t Always Clear

You’ve been experiencing an array of symptoms, from headache and nausea to vision disturbances and concentration problems. Understanding that, among other potential disorders, a brain tumor causes these warning signs, your doctor recommends testing to identify the source of your symptoms. At this point, you probably wonder how you might … Read More

Brain Tumor Symptoms: Not Just in Your Head

Not all headaches are cause for concern. You might suffer an occasional migraine, head pain from a stiff neck, or the after-effects of an extra glass of wine you imbibed the night before. You simply take a few aspirins or another medication and the pain in your brain subsides. But … Read More

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