pain medication

Lockjaw vs. Locked Jaw: Common Causes of Jaw Pain

Medical dictionaries describe lockjaw as a tightness or spasm of the jaw muscles due to a bacterial infection from Clostridium tetani, commonly called tetanus. [1] Tetanus has become very rare in the United States with only about 30 reported cases per year. Almost everyone who gets tetanus today has not … Read More

What is Homeopathy?

As a naturopathic physician, I use a variety of tools and strategies to help my patients. One of them—homeopathy—is widely misunderstood. Some people mistake homeopathy as just another word for natural medicine. Rather, it’s a specific technique that uses very small doses of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s … Read More

How to Heal Faster After Surgery: Listen to Music

Recovery from surgery can be a long process. Pain, discomfort, fatigue, and anxiety can last a long time and require a lot of patience. But if you want to know how to heal faster after surgery, one tip is as simple and easy as it gets: listen to music. Listening … Read More

Preventing Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be an incredibly painful condition that can strike without warning. If you have only a small stone, you may have no symptoms at all, but if it is large enough to block the tubes inside the kidney, you may experience intense pains that come and go and … Read More

Do Triptans Work for Migraine Headaches?

Triptans are effective for the treatment of migraine headaches, according to one of the most comprehensive review of studies ever published. The findings, based on the results of 133 trials between 1991 and 2012, were reported in a 2015 edition of the journal Headache, the official publication of the American … Read More

Painkillers: A Primer on Effective—and Safe—Choices

Medications can be effective for treating pain, but they're not the only method. In fact, some people shouldn’t use painkillers at all. Others simply don’t need them because there are other ways to treat pain. Options for relieving pain without taking medications begin with conservative approaches such as losing weight, … Read More

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