
A Healthy, Easy Tomato Sauce Recipe

Whether you have access tomatoes fresh from the garden, the grocery store, or even canned tomatoes, there is so much potential for this healthy, delicious ingredient. Tomatoes are a very versatile ingredient, but a favorite recipe that can be used for a multitude of dishes is tomato sauce. This easy … Read More

9 Powerful Antioxidant Supplements

“Antioxidant” is a word that gets thrown around so frequently that it can sound meaningless when you hear it: “Yeah, yeah, another antioxidant (yawn).” But antioxidants are not boring! On the contrary, antioxidants are nature's strongest defense system. They protect your cells from dangerous free radical damage, which can play … Read More

The Healthiest Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

You will gain benefits from eating just about any type of vegetable; here’s more information on what are considered to be the healthiest vegetables. Asparagus Asparagus provides more folic acid per serving than any other vegetable, which is especially important for women who are pregnant because it can decrease the … Read More

The Healthiest Fruits to Add to Your Diet

While all fruits are healthy choices, here is a selection of what is considered as the healthiest fruits. These sweet selections have the most documented health benefits in scientific studies. Apples One medium fresh apple has only 95 calories, yet it is rich in vitamin C and fiber, including a … Read More

Is Pizza Healthy?

The nutritional value of some of your favorite foods—like french fries, soda, and chips, for example—puts them into the category of junk foods to avoid. They’re filled with too much fat, salt, and/or sugar to be part of a healthy diet. Other foods, however, can straddle the line. If your … Read More

Complete Nutrition: Vegetables Are Essential

Vegetables have always had a reputation for boosting our health. Research continues to support the long-held standard that a vegetable-rich diet is a key part of any complete nutrition plan—and a winning approach to optimal health and disease protection. Research suggests that a vegetable-rich diet can lower your risk of … Read More

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