
How to Sit With Low Back Pain

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), almost everyone will experience low back pain. There are many causes. Your spine is made up of bones called vertebrae separated by cushions, called discs. The vertebrae are attached to spinal muscles and to each other by ligaments and tendons. A … Read More

How to Sleep With Sciatica

Your sciatic nerve is the main nerve supplying your leg. This large nerve leaves your spinal cord in your lower back and passes between the bones (vertebrae) of your spine. Pinching (compression) of the nerve where it passes between the spinal vertebrae is the usual cause of sciatica. Compression is … Read More

Nerve Pain Relief That Works: 10 Strategies

A shooting pain that takes your breath away. A throbbing ache that won’t let up. Tingling fingers and toes. Nerve pain comes in various forms and can be debilitating in many ways—depression, anxiety, and infections, for example. Our bodies contain billions of nerves that send billions of messages to our … Read More

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

What is spinal stenosis? It's a condition in which the spinal canal narrows due to: A herniated disc that encroaches on the spinal canal from the front Thickened ligaments that encroach on the canal from both sides. A narrowed spinal canal impedes the blood supply to the nerves, causing pain. … Read More

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