whole food

Should I Take a Beet Supplement?

Beet, or beetroot, supplements are gaining quite a following for a number of apparent health benefits, including increased energy, improved physical performance, and reductions in blood pressure. Because they’re made from beets, the colorful root vegetables rich in nutrients and powerful health-promoting plant compounds, beet supplements may be a desirable … Read More

Are Potato Chips Bad for You?

Salt and vinegar, barbecue, kettle-cooked, ruffled — to me, all potato chips are delicious. If there's a bag on the counter, I’ll polish it off easily. Are potato chips bad for you? I know the answer, so I’ve tried to replace my chip craving with healthy options like carrot sticks … Read More

Iron Deficiency Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

In Part 1 of this article you learned about a study showing how chronic fatigue can be successfully treated with iron supplements in women who have iron deficiency but don’t have full blown anemia.[1] (Find 9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms here.) The French and Swiss researchers found that iron supplementation for 12 … Read More

Should You Try the Alkaline Diet?

If you're looking for just the right diet plan for your health, you might consider the alkaline diet. It's based on the theory that some popular foods—including meat, dairy products, eggs, grains, and processed foods—cause your body to produce more acid. The aim of the alkaline diet is to avoid foods … Read More

Refined Carbs: Are They Our Worst Enemy?

You’ve heard it before—food is fuel. The energy we get from food comes from three “macronutrients”—protein, fat and carbohydrates. Food also provides us with about 40 micronutrients: vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients (plant chemicals). Nutrients work together (nutrient synergism) and a diet rich in a variety of whole food fruits … Read More

Protein Powder Do’s and Don’ts

Protein powder is popular with (and typically marketed to) athletes and bodybuilders. But it also has caught on with a broader range of consumers—people of various ages and activity levels—who are looking to improve their daily diet habits. But what can protein powder actually do for you? And how do … Read More

5 Top Cholesterol Reducing Foods

Research shows eating these 5 cholesterol reducing foods can help you significantly lower your levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol, raise your levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol, and reduce your risk of heart disease. 1. Nuts Tree nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower … Read More

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