muscle soreness

Should I Take a Beet Supplement?

Beet, or beetroot, supplements are gaining quite a following for a number of apparent health benefits, including increased energy, improved physical performance, and reductions in blood pressure. Because they’re made from beets, the colorful root vegetables rich in nutrients and powerful health-promoting plant compounds, beet supplements may be a desirable … Read More

The Healthiest Fruits to Add to Your Diet

While all fruits are healthy choices, here is a selection of what is considered as the healthiest fruits. These sweet selections have the most documented health benefits in scientific studies. Apples One medium fresh apple has only 95 calories, yet it is rich in vitamin C and fiber, including a … Read More

Sore Muscles: Treatment Advice for the Two Main Types

Do you find yourself experiencing sore muscles more frequently than you should? The condition may be nothing to worry about—or it could be something that needs medical attention. Consider that there are two types of muscle soreness: One is called acute muscle soreness and the other is delayed onset muscle … Read More

Pycnogenol Benefits Include Easing the Transition to Menopause

If you’ve started to experience symptoms of hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats, don’t be discouraged; although these symptoms of perimenopause are all too common, it doesn’t mean that you have to suffer. There are a variety of natural options to treat unpleasant symptoms. Pycnogenol, an extract from the … Read More

3 Top Vitamins for Muscles

Whether you want to protect your muscles from exercise-induced damage or you want to preserve muscle strength into old age, getting the proper nutrients for muscle health is a must. If you’re interested in keeping your muscles healthy, boosting their strength and protecting them from damage, consider these top vitamins … Read More

The Best Muscle Recovery Supplements

The older you get, the more likely you are to experience aching, sore muscles and fatigue after exercise. While good nutrition and hydration, along with a consistent exercise routine, can help to prevent some of this, supplementation with certain natural compounds can also make a significant difference. Muscle recovery supplements … Read More

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