migraine triggers

Vestibular Migraine Diet

If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you’re well aware how disruptive they can be. When they strike, they might inconvenience an hour, wipe out an entire day, or in cases of migraine, especially vestibular migraine, they can negatively impact quality of life. More than 17 percent of women and nearly … Read More

How to Find Migraine Relief at Home

When looking for at home migraine relief, a quick online search will pull up several options for ice caps or ice hats for migraines. Some of these cover your head and your eyes and they cost about 40 dollars. If you are one of the 12 percent of Americans that … Read More

Migraine Triggers: 6 Food Additives to Avoid

Stress, bright lights, sleep pattern changes, the weather—unfortunately, there are countless migraine triggers that can take you out of commission, and some of them aren’t always under our control. What you can control, however, is what you put into your body. Oftentimes, what you eat and drink on a daily basis … Read More

How to Overcome Migraines Naturally

The migraine headache is one of the top 20 most debilitating disorders in developed countries. It is caused by a complicated interplay between predisposing genetic variants and environmental factors. How to overcome migraines? There are all kinds of treatments that can help, including natural remedies discussed below. First, consider that … Read More

What Are Migraine Headaches, and How Do We Stop Them?

As many as 28 million Americans, including 25 percent of all adult women, have migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are often misdiagnosed as sinus headaches because the pain is felt across the forehead and the bridge of the nose, just like sinus headaches. The latest genetic and biological research shows that … Read More

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