apple cider vinegar

Vestibular Migraine Diet

If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you’re well aware how disruptive they can be. When they strike, they might inconvenience an hour, wipe out an entire day, or in cases of migraine, especially vestibular migraine, they can negatively impact quality of life. More than 17 percent of women and nearly … Read More

Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Remedy or Scam?

Some in the media have touted apple cider vinegar as a miracle cure-all. Wishful thinking, sadly. Miracle cure-alls are few and far between. Having said that, there is some research that supports apple cider vinegar's use in certain conditions. So let’s delve into the science—limited though it may be—of this … Read More

Eat to Beat Sunburn and UV Damage

It can happen to just about anyone: too much sun exposure or too little protection can lead to a painful sunburn. Beyond the pain and irritation of a burn, repeated exposure to intense UV radiation can lead to DNA damage and serious health problems, including skin cancer. When you’re overexposed … Read More

How Long Does the Flu Last?

We all dread the day when we hear that the flu is going around—and then start to feel the first strains cropping up somewhere in our body. Every time you sneeze, cough, or feel a tingle in your throat, you wonder, “Is it my turn?” If and when you do … Read More

Is Your Heartburn Medication Putting You at Risk for Osteoporosis?

Do you frequently experience heartburn?  If so, you’re not alone.  Approximately half of U.S. adults have heartburn at least once a month according The American College of Gastroenterology.[1]  In fact, more than 15 million Americans experience heartburn symptoms every single day!  To extinguish the flame of heartburn symptoms, most people … Read More

Baking Soda’s Health Benefits

You’ll find a little box of baking soda in almost every American pantry or freezer to offset odors. It’s well known among baking enthusiasts, too. How many of us have heard stories about baking soda’s versatility from our mothers and grandmothers? But baking soda can be used for a variety … Read More

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