Heart Health

Potential Anesthesia Side Effects

· · Heart Health
Older adults are more at risk for side effects from anesthesia for numerous reasons. “With age comes many physiological changes that affect how a person responds to medications and the stress of surgery,” explains Cecilia Canales, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at … Read More

Post-Heart Attack Blues

· · Heart Health
Experiencing a heart attack is a life-altering event that impacts physical health and often mental health, too. Research suggests that about 30% of heart attack survivors experience some form of depression and/or anxiety. These mental health states increase the risk for another cardiac event and premature death, if the conditions … Read More
what is botox

Beware of Counterfeit Cosmetic Injectables

· · Heart Health
In a statement from the American Academy of Dermatology, president Seemal R. Desai, MD writes that the Academy is deeply concerned about reports of people experiencing illnesses similar to botulism after receiving procedures involving potentially counterfeit botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox. The increase in counterfeit injectables represents a serious … Read More

Vitamin K2

Q: What is vitamin K2? A:Vitamin K2 is a lesser-known but still important nutrient with many related health benefits, particularly for bone and cardiovascular health. Unlike vitamin K1, which is mainly involved in blood clotting, vitamin K2 plays a role in calcium metabolism, ensuring that calcium is deposited in bones … Read More

The Links Between Mental Health and Heart Health

· · Heart Health
Humans are complex creatures, and that complexity includes the two-way communication between mind and body. On any given day, you might notice how mental stress speeds up your heart rate, worry ties your stomach “into knots,” or happiness makes you feel energetic. But mind-body interactions go even deeper, and a … Read More

Know Your Numbers

This month’s issue contains a useful primer on the drugs that can help you maintain a normal blood pressure. About 70 million Americans ages 65 and older have high blood pressure, according to the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The condition typically causes no symptoms, but that doesn’t … Read More

Blood Pressure Drugs: Your Primer

· · Heart Health
Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise can help lower high blood pressure, but many people also need to take medication. The most commonly prescribed options are described here, and you may need to take a drug from more than one medication class to achieve optimum blood pressure … Read More

Frontline: Heart disease risk in women; reduce heart disease risk; tau protein and Alzheimer’s disease

· · Heart Health
Sex-Specific Criteria Help Predict Heart Disease Risk in Women Cardiovascular disease in women is often underdiagnosed in comparison to men, primarily due to the use of sex-neutral diagnostic criteria. The commonly used Framingham Risk Score, which predicts the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease within the next 10 years, is based … Read More

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