benefits of exercise

Exercise Lowers High Blood Pressure

Two recent studies suggest that exercise may be as effective as medications when it comes to lowering high blood pressure. But should you ditch the drugs in favor of moving more? Not necessarily, says Mount Sinai cardiologist Bruce Darrow, MD, PhD. “While boosting your physical activity levels is definitely beneficial … Read More

Dementia Prevention: Reduce Your Risk with Physical Activity

Several large, well-designed studies have concluded that exercise is good for the brain. Even moderate exercise, such as walking, when done regularly, has proven benefits for mental function. The evidence is convincing that regular physical activity (walking, bicycling, swimming) improves mental function. A few studies also suggest that it may … Read More

Serotonin: Vital Brain Chemical Affects Both Mood and Cognition

The importance of the neurotransmitter serotonin in affecting mood has been widely acknowledged in numerous studies linking low brain levels of this key chemical with depression, anxiety, and irritability. Now, scientists are reporting another significant role the neurotransmitter plays in the brain—that of promoting memory and cognition. Inadequate brain levels … Read More

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