exercise routine

Set Goals to Walk More

We all walk somewhere, even if just around the house. Since you’re reading this email, it’s probably safe to assume that you’re aiming to walk more. You need to change your routine. We all know of the New Year’s resolutions that never survive the month of January: Research reveals that … Read More

10 Tips For Starting a Core Strengthening Program

Before you begin an exercise program, you should be aware of guidelines that will make your workouts productive and safe. The suggestions that follow come from weight training experts, hospitals, universities, and organizations, including the American College of Sports Medicine. 1. Get the approval of your doctor before beginning an … Read More

How Plaque Harms Heart Health

Let’s hear it for your heart. Weighing around 8 ounces (if you’re a woman) to 10 ounces (men), this vital muscle pumps blood to every cell in the body in less than a minute—impressive for an organ the size of your fist. If, however, the heart’s job becomes impeded by … Read More

Are Smoothies Good for You? The Answer May Surprise You

Mmmm, smoothies—they’re so quick, delicious, and healthy. Unless you’ve been living in a remote jungle village, you’ll have noticed the fast rise of this beloved drink. Smoothies grace the menus of restaurants, juice bars, and fast food chains around the world. You’ll even find premade versions on grocery store shelves. … Read More

Lack of Motivation? Depression Could Be the Cause

You have lack of motivation to participate in the things you love. You feel hopeless. You’re fatigued, unable to sleep well or concentrate. As a result, your relationships at home and work suffer. If you’re bogged down by a lack of motivation, don’t just chalk it up to boredom or … Read More

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