Comments on: Isometric Exercise: How It May Help Maintain Your Independence—and Can Lower Blood Pressure University Health News partners with expert sources from some of America’s most respected medical schools, hospitals, and health centers. Tue, 19 Jan 2021 22:13:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: sarah Sat, 30 Mar 2019 13:05:47 +0000 Thankyou so much for this, it’s very much helpful. I have suffered a lot from knee pain and then I came across an excercise routine called isometric excercise(by Todd Kuslikis who studied Chinese, herbal medicine as well as nutrition, acupunctureand internal healing arts and also studied Nursing at WesternMichigan University, personal training) from where I’ve learnt that cellular inflamation, postural misalignment, cartilage deterioration are the main reasons forknee pain. Isometric exercises are a simple, effective and easy exercise where you increase the tension in the muscles without moving your joints. This isometricexercise, unlike other excercises which eventually cause inflammation and cartilage damage because of knee aggravation, successfully outperformed the drugs andpills in both pain relief and knee joint function. This unique 1,000 year old isometric exercise is easy to perform and drastically healed my knee jointfaster than anything I’ve tried so far. This 5 Minute Isometric Ritual builds a strong, healthy knee without causing more inflammation or aggravation rather than hidingthe problem with foreign drugs.
