sleep disturbances

How Much Exercise Is Too Much?

Participating in such formidable feats in the world’s fattest and most sedentary population is impressive. However, while getting super fit can make you into a human Ferrari, it is possible to worsen your health by over-training. Studies show over-training can deplete hormones, weaken your immune system, cause bone loss, increase … Read More

The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Men vs. Women

Studies examining the association of sleep behaviors with neuromuscular performance and daytime function in older women found that sleep deprivation is associated with worse physical function during the day. Women who slept less than six hours per night walked 3.5 percent slower than those who slept six to eight hours. … Read More

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Relief for Anxiety & Depression

Around the time of menopause, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy significantly lessens not only women’s menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, but also symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to a study at the University of Texas Health Center recently published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. Menopause can cause symptoms … Read More

5 Powerful Pantethine Benefits

Pantethine, the metabolically active form of vitamin B5 (or pantothenic acid), offers a host of benefits. To start: It is vital for dozens of enzymatic reactions that require coenzyme A, including those involved with processing fats and carbohydrates. It helps the cells’ tiny energy factories, the mitochondria, turn fatty acids … Read More

Pycnogenol Benefits Include Easing the Transition to Menopause

If you’ve started to experience symptoms of hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats, don’t be discouraged; although these symptoms of perimenopause are all too common, it doesn’t mean that you have to suffer. There are a variety of natural options to treat unpleasant symptoms. Pycnogenol, an extract from the … Read More

Managing Menopause Gracefully

Menopause can sound terrifying. Hot flashes, facial hair growth, and mood swings are certainly nothing any woman looks forward to—and those aren't even the truly dangerous effects. For starters, heart disease risk and osteoporosis risk skyrocket. It’s no wonder women were so eager to embrace hormone replacement therapy (HRT) when … Read More

Yoga Found Effective for Pregnancy Anxiety

Feeling anxious during your pregnancy is not uncommon given all the changes and expectations that go along with transitioning to motherhood. But yoga can be a powerful tool to keep you feeling calm. A new study published in the journal Depression and Anxiety reports that doing prenatal yoga can effectively … Read More

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