how to get motivated to exercise

4 Strategies That May Help Reduce Triglycerides

You're a reasonable person, and you want to take care of your health. You know this means not ignoring your recent lab test, which showed you have high triglycerides. But... you've heard of the frequent debilitating side effects that prescription fibrates and statin drugs cause—muscle pain, weakness, liver damage, memory loss, … Read More

3 Simple Tips to Prevent Weight Gain During the Holidays

While the holiday season is typically a joyful time of year, it's also full of enticements—cookies, candies, pies, and cakes. So it’s no surprise that the No. 1 New Year’s resolution involves losing weight. By the time the holidays are over, many people are left with deep feelings of guilt. One … Read More

Our 10 Most Popular Weight Loss Tips

If you’re ready to look better and feel better by reaching a healthy weight, take a multifaceted approach for the best results. Weight loss tips – #1 Assess your current symptoms. Before you begin any weight loss program, it’s important to take note of the symptoms you are currently experiencing. Sometimes, … Read More

What Causes Fatigue? The Stress Factor

You’re always tired but you haven’t been able to pinpoint the reason. You think about embarking on a campaign to get to the bottom of your fatigue, but—sad to say—you don’t have the energy to follow through. Don’t feel bad; even the medical community doesn’t fully understand what causes fatigue. … Read More

Home Remedies for Constipation

Normal bowel movements can range from three times a day to three times a week. If it occurs less than that, you may be constipated. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies for constipation that may work for you. First, the basics: Constipation means you have trouble passing a … Read More

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