
Arthritis Exercises to Promote Healing, Range of Motion

The pain, stiffness, and restricted movement that accompany arthritis may seem like a good reason to curl up in bed, but exercise is beneficial in mild-to-moderate arthritis. Arthritis exercise benefits include: Healing. Exercise increases blood circulation and oxygenation within joint tissue, promoting repair. Lower risk of complications. Exercise helps protect … Read More

“Exergaming”: Can It Boost Your Brainpower?

Combining physical exercise with video games can help boost motivation when it comes to getting enough physical activity, but “exergaming” isn’t just for kids—it may benefit adults, too. In a recent small study, older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who played exergames—video games that double as exercise—experienced improvements when … Read More

Balance Exercises for Seniors

There’s no way around it: As time passes, we tend to lose muscle mass, our organs tend to function less efficiently, and our risk of disease increases. The good news is that there is a lifestyle change we can make to mitigate these risks, and it involves exercise—particularly balance exercises … Read More

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