postpartum depression

How to Start Exercising Safely

The latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services came out in November 2021. The new guidelines add even more benefits from exercise, based on research done after the first guidelines came out in 2008. New benefits include reducing your risk for Alzheimer’s … Read More

Zinc: Does It Really Fight Off a Cold?

You’re achy and stuffy and your throat feels like you swallowed sandpaper. Congratulations! You’ve got a cold. Now what? From eating chicken soup to sleeping in wet socks, people try a multitude of cures for the common cold. One of the best scientifically proven remedies, however, can be found in … Read More

Do Antidepressants Really Work?

Depression is miserable and debilitating. It can rob you of your motivation, energy, and zest for life. The goal of treating depression is simple—to feel better! With more than 10 percent of the population taking antidepressants, it seems prudent to ask, “Do antidepressants really work?” Antidepressants are the second most … Read More

What Kind of Depression Do I Have?

Because there are multiple types of depression, anyone feeling as if he or she is battling the condition might understandably wonder, “What kind of depression do I have?” The most severe form is major depressive disorder, or MDD. People with MDD feel down most or all of the time and … Read More

Severe Depression: Are You at Risk?

Depression—a mood disorder that affects an estimated one in 10 Americans at some point in their lives—is a complex mental health condition that comes in a variety of forms, each with distinct characteristics. Whether mild or severe, depression in anyone should be addressed. “The concept of ‘depression’ is actually a … Read More

3 Natural Treatments for Depression While Pregnant

You’ll often hear about postpartum depression, but did you know that many women also experience depression while pregnant? In fact, depression during the pregnancy (called antenatal depression) is actually more prevalent than postpartum depression.[1] Unfortunately, antenatal depression doesn’t get the attention it deserves and, as a consequence, many women aren’t … Read More

Yoga Found Effective for Pregnancy Anxiety

Feeling anxious during your pregnancy is not uncommon given all the changes and expectations that go along with transitioning to motherhood. But yoga can be a powerful tool to keep you feeling calm. A new study published in the journal Depression and Anxiety reports that doing prenatal yoga can effectively … Read More

8 Natural Tips for Recovering from C-Section Surgery

Cesarean sections are more common than ever. In some cases, women elect to have c-sections instead of a vaginal delivery, and in others, they may be medically necessary or performed in an emergency. Whatever your reason for having one, recovering from c-section procedures can take weeks, if not months. These … Read More

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