brain aneurysm

Exertion Headache? Consider the Causes and Try These Treatments

If you tend to develop a headache while exercising or start feeling a headache after you exercise, it’s likely that you’re suffering from the exertion headache phenomenon. You’re more likely to experience an exertion headache if you also suffer from migraine symptoms, which can also stem from vigorous exercise. Exertion … Read More

How to Overcome Migraines Naturally

The migraine headache is one of the top 20 most debilitating disorders in developed countries. It is caused by a complicated interplay between predisposing genetic variants and environmental factors. How to overcome migraines? There are all kinds of treatments that can help, including natural remedies discussed below. First, consider that … Read More

Ice Pick Headache Signs and Symptoms

An ice pick headache—the type that causes a stabbing pain and usually centers in the temple area or around the eyes—is very rare. For most people, thankfully, it's brief. In 80 percent of ice pick headache sufferers, symptoms last from one to 10 seconds. For those prone to ice pick … Read More

Dehydration Headache: Know the Causes, Signs, and Treatments

What causes dehydration headaches can be as simple as not having consumed sufficient fluids. Likewise, dehydration headaches may happen because lack of fluids causes shrinkage in brain volume. This results in the brain pulling away from the skull, which triggers pain receptors in the meninges (the membrane that surrounds the … Read More

Hearing Aids: How to Find the Right Ones for Your Ears

Hearing aids are expensive (average cost: $4,700 for two—and says as much as $4,000 each), they require a prescription, and they're not covered by Medicare. If a commercial insurance plan covers anything, it’s usually the hearing exam and maybe a small portion of low-end hearing aids. Many people don’t … Read More

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