loss of memory

How To Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease

For most individuals, an Alzheimer’s diagnosis will begin with a visit to your primary care provider. Your doctor will review your personal and family medical history, ask you about any symptoms you’ve experienced, review your medications, and give you a physical exam. He or she will likely administer a simple … Read More

4 Types of Dementia and Their Warning Signs

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common of the various types of dementia and has become something of a “catch-all” term for severe cognitive impairment, but it isn’t the only type of dementia to which older adults are vulnerable. “Figuring out which type a person has is important, since the drug treatments … Read More

Chronic Fatigue Symptoms, Risks, and Causes

Day after day, you find yourself struggling to overcome exhaustion, find energy, maintain a steady effort at work, maybe even to stay awake. If you can relate, then you may be battling what’s known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). What exactly is CFS? It’s debilitating disorder involving unyielding fatigue that … Read More

Worried About Younger-Onset Alzheimer’s? Take Action Now

Do you think mild cognitive impairment (or “pre-dementia”) and Alzheimer’s affects only the old? Think again. Dementia symptoms now affect an increasing number of people in their 40s. The result: an increasing number of people being diagnosed with early-onset or younger-onset Alzheimer's. Mild cognitive impairment is a loss of memory and … Read More

An Overview of Dementia Medications

Alzheimer’s disease treatment is, in many respects, still a question in search of a definitive answer. No Alzheimer medication can halt the forward progress of the disease or prevent its ultimate devastation on the lives of those who have it. Yet Alzheimer dementia medications are available that can help relieve … Read More

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