cholinesterase inhibitors

Brain Atrophy: Can It Be Reversed?

The human brain is a truly remarkable and highly complex organ. Neurons are the brain cells that carry messages throughout the brain, nervous system, and body. It’s estimated that healthy adults have around 100 billion neurons, each connecting to 10,000 other neurons—an impressive network indeed! Brain atrophy "is a common … Read More

Alzheimer’s Treatment Options

Despite decades of research and promising developments, there is still no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. One or more of the drugs currently being tested may offer hope, but the results of those studies are still a few years away. In the meantime, there are Alzheimer’s treatment options that can help … Read More

The Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia

The critical difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia is that Alzheimer’s is a specific disease and dementia is a term used to describe symptoms that can be caused by a number of different diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). So, is there a difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia? The answer is both … Read More

What Causes Dementia?

Reseachers are hard at work trying to figure out what causes dementia. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), they're trying to learn the process associated with the condition's onset. What are they learning? That there's a multifactorial process associated with AD, and that it's triggered by a combination of … Read More

An Overview of Dementia Medications

Alzheimer’s disease treatment is, in many respects, still a question in search of a definitive answer. No Alzheimer medication can halt the forward progress of the disease or prevent its ultimate devastation on the lives of those who have it. Yet Alzheimer dementia medications are available that can help relieve … Read More

Early Signs of Dementia

It is well documented in scientific literature that aging is associated with certain cognitive changes. As we get older, we experience some gradual decline in conceptual reasoning, memory, and processing speed, but these changes don’t keep us from going about our normal activities. Dementia, on the other hand, can significantly … Read More

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