vision problems

Even a Benign Tumor Needs Treatment

Here’s the deal: A benign tumor is still a tumor. No, it’s not cancer, but it’s still an abnormal growth that shouldn’t be present in your body. And anything abnormal, including a benign tumor, needs to be monitored, at the very least. Obviously, the diagnosis of a benign tumor is … Read More

How Do You Know If You Have a Hip Fracture?

The formula to determine the probability of a hip fracture is as simple as it is accurate: Age + weakened bones + a fall = hip fracture. And 75 percent of falls are experienced by women. Ninety-five percent of hip fractures are caused by falls (usually sideways, says the Centers … Read More

Eye Strain: Why It Happens and 4 Ways to Relieve It

You won’t “ruin your eyesight” from reading in dim light—sorry, mom—but you may occasionally experience eye strain when you overtax your vision for prolonged periods. Fortunately, eye strain doesn’t lead to vision loss unless it’s associated with some underlying medical problem. In most cases, you can get to the bottom … Read More

Prediabetes Symptoms: Are They a Reliable Indicator?

During your latest doctor’s appointment, your physician breaks the news that you have prediabetes. It means your blood-sugar levels are elevated, but not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes. You’re surprised not only by the diagnosis, but also by the fact that you experienced no prediabetes symptoms. After … Read More

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