signs of cognitive impairment

Your Risk Level for Alzheimer’s

People joke about “senior moments,” those times when your brain goes blank mid-sentence, you forget your own phone number, or simple math becomes confusing. Perhaps you forget the names of friends, misplace things frequently, or rely on an extensive array of sticky notes, calendars, and lists to remember everyday activities. … Read More

Signs of Dementia in Men

It’s important to be familiar with the signs of dementia in men; early diagnosis allows for initiation of treatment and planning for the future. Dementia is a term used to describe significant impairment of two or more critical brain functions (such as memory, language, judgment, or reasoning) that impacts a … Read More

Dementia Stages: What to Expect at Each Stage

Many people answer the question “What causes dementia?” by linking it to Alzheimer’s disease. Others ask the question, “Is dementia a disease?” The better question is really, “What does dementia mean?” The term is used to describe the decline in memory and thinking skills seen in many different diseases ranging … Read More

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