cardiac rehabilitation

SCAD Symptoms Are Like Those of a Heart Attack

While most heart conditions are of higher risk to older adults, a rare but especially sudden and severe heart problem is one that affects those in their 40s and 50s and even younger. It’s called spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), and it can cause a heart attack. This injury to … Read More

Heart Failure? Stay Vigilant for Worsening Condition

More than 5 million Americans have heart failure, and 500,000 more cases are diagnosed each year. The condition develops gradually, due to injury to or weakness of the heart—underlying causes include these, among others: Heart attack High blood pressure Coronary artery disease Heart valve disease Abnormal heart rhythms Diseases of … Read More

Just for Women: Heart Attack Symptoms You Need to Know

Many women are far more concerned about the possibility that they will develop breast cancer than heart disease, but heart disease claims more than six times as many women’s lives each year as breast cancer does. What’s more, many women are unaware of the fact that they are at risk … Read More

What You Should Know About Open-Heart Surgery

The phrase open-heart surgery is often used interchangeably with “bypass surgery,” which is technically “coronary artery bypass grafting,” or CABG. But open-heart surgery can actually refer to any of several operations that require surgeons to open up the chest cavity and work directly on the heart. Other procedures requiring open-heart … Read More

Cardiac Diet: The Road to Wellness Starts Here

If you’re in relatively good health but you’ve been told to eat better for an improved cardiovascular system, you may wonder just what a good cardiac diet entails. Fortunately, an eating plan that promotes good heart health can be simple and include plenty of foods you enjoy. The key is … Read More

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