bad cholesterol

How Long Is Stroke Recovery?

According to the Mayo Clinic, stroke recovery can include recovery of movement, speech, swallowing, strength, emotional health, and the basic activities of daily living. Stroke recovery begins in the hospital and continues at a stroke rehab facility or at home with outpatient therapy. The exact type of therapy is different … Read More

How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

Having healthy levels of cholesterol to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke is a lifetime commitment. It takes effort and it takes time. To lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides with diet and lifestyle changes may take 12 weeks or longer. There is no magic number since everybody has … Read More

Cruciferous Vegetables May Be Cholesterol-Lowering Foods

When it comes to cholesterol-lowering food, you can’t go wrong with cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica family. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and Brussel’s sprouts contain many valuable nutrients for the human body, and even fight cancer and heart disease.[1] What Makes Cruciferous Vegetables so Powerful? Cruciferous vegetables are high in … Read More

These 3 Diet Plans May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Heart attack, stroke, obesity, and high blood pressure can all be avoided or overcome with the right type of low cholesterol diet. The body naturally creates and regulates its own supply of cholesterol, and any that is taken in from the diet is excess. How do you lower cholesterol levels … Read More

6 Health Benefits of Honey

Of all the natural home remedies your parents or grandparents made you try as kid—whether it was aloe vera or oatmeal or ginger—our guess is that honey was your favorite. Not only does it taste good, but it has nourishing and healing properties. But what are the benefits of honey? … Read More

Is Milk Healthy?

Is milk healthy? It sounds like a simple question, but the answer is anything but simple. Milk is actually a controversial topic due to opinions that run the gamut from “milk is the best thing you can drink” to “milk is one of the worst drinks on the planet.” First, … Read More

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