health problems

Is Fructose Bad for You?

Sugar is not so sweet in the health and wellness world, now more than ever. Its bad reputation stems from research on added sugars, fructose in particular, in foods and beverages, linking it with chronic illness and disease, such as heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. But even so, … Read More

Selenium Foods: Make Sure You Get Enough of This Nutrient

It’s important to make sure your diet contains sufficient amounts of the selenium, an important trace element that is necessary for healthy brain, immune system, thyroid, reproductive, and lung function. Make sure these selenium foods play a starring role in your regular diet. 11 Foods High in Selenium 1. Brazil … Read More

Is a Low Heart Rate Dangerous?

A low heart rate may be a sign of an efficiently working heart. Or, if the rate becomes too low, it could be a sign of health complications down the road. A normal or healthy resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats a minute. A … Read More

How to Handle Your Dairy Intolerance Symptoms

Do your favorite foods like cheese and ice cream make your stomach turn? You may be experiencing dairy intolerance symptoms. Lactose is the natural sugar found in dairy products. If you experience dairy intolerance symptoms, your body may have a shortage of lactase, which is an enzyme that breaks down … Read More

The Health Benefits of Raspberries and Blueberries

Don’t you love a juicy fruit platter, a refreshing berry smoothie, or adding fresh berries to yogurt or cereal? Berries are not only a naturally sweet treat, but they are loaded with nutrients. Polyphenols, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, and other potent antioxidants account for the vast health benefits of … Read More

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