dairy intolerance symptoms
UHN Staff
Do your favorite foods like cheese and ice cream make your stomach turn? You may be experiencing dairy intolerance symptoms. Lactose is the natural sugar found in dairy products. If you experience dairy intolerance symptoms, your body may have a shortage of lactase, which is an enzyme that breaks down … Read More
Lisa Cantkier
People across the globe enjoy (sometimes passionately) cheese, a food product with a tradition dating back thousands of years. It has a reputation, however, for causing health issues because of fat and sodium content. So is cheese healthy, or is cheese bad for you? To the surprise of many, there … Read More
Joshua Feblowitz
If you have a dairy allergy, chances are you’ve heard this question many times: So, you have a lactose intolerance, right? Those with dairy issues commonly encounter confusion over lactose intolerance and milk allergy. Over the years, I’ve received questions from relatives who can’t understand why tiny amounts of milk … Read More