food allergies

Lupin Allergy: Are You At Risk?

If you haven’t heard of lupin, the up-and-coming legume soon to reach superfood status, it’s time you were in the loop. Hardly a new player in the food arena, lupin beans, commonly called lupini beans, have nourished ancient Egyptians, Incans, and Romans and they continue to be popular in modern … Read More

Do You Have Heartburn? Try a GERD Elimination Diet

If you suffer from chronic heartburn, certain foods may be to blame. But the foods that trigger heartburn in one person can be different than the foods that cause heartburn symptoms in another person. So how do you figure out which foods to avoid with heartburn? You may want to try a short elimination … Read More

Melatonin May Offer Benefits for IBS Sufferers

People with irritable bowel syndrome can suffer for years without finding a way to relieve their symptoms, but a new review article reveals a promising treatment option: melatonin benefits for IBS. Produced by the pineal gland in the brain and by cells in the mucous lining of the digestive tract, … Read More

5 Common Fatigue Causes: Understanding Why You’re So Tired

Fatigue is a common symptom in people with medical conditions like cancer and diabetes, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and even in people who are otherwise “healthy.” Yet despite how prevalent it is, medical researchers still do not completely understand what happens in the body to cause fatigue. They … Read More

5 Reasons You May Have Leaky Gut Syndrome

The lining of your gut is directly related to the health of your whole body. This lining forms a crucial barrier between you and the outside world. In a sense, everything inside your gut is outside of you. Only a few very specific substances are normally allowed through, and the … Read More

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites in Humans

Microorganisms feeding on our bodies outnumber our cells by 10 to 1. A typical person carries as many as six pounds of microbes, all living in a delicate, symbiotic balance amongst each other. These microbes can cause either a beneficial or a harmful effect. Most assuredly, an imbalanced overgrowth of … Read More

Dietary Fiber and its Health Benefits

The importance of fiber in the diet cannot be overemphasized. Dietary fiber—what we used to call “roughage” or “bulk”—can help prevent or alleviate chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, IBS, and possibly colorectal cancer. There is some early evidence suggesting that a high-fiber diet may lessen or prevent food allergies, and dietary … Read More

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