asthma symptoms

What Are Sulfites and Are They Bad for You?

Sulfites are commonly blamed as the culprit behind wine-drinking headaches. While that hasn’t been confirmed, sulfites can be the cause of some other serious problems. These food additives have long been used to preserve freshness and are ingredients in many foods, beverages, cosmetics, and medications. They also occur naturally in … Read More

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Limes

Limes typically don’t receive the same attention year-round as their yellow sibling, the lemon. The summer season is usually when they get the most shine, thanks to their presence in key lime pie, as a mixer for cocktails, and as a finishing touch on grilled meats, fish, and guacamole. But, … Read More

Cod Liver Oil Benefits and Risks

It used to be fairly common for everyone in the family to drink a spoonful of cod liver oil daily. But what are cod liver oil benefits? And what are its risks? Nutrients in cod liver oil Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish, including cod, is one of the major food sources … Read More

10+ Asthma Triggers to Avoid

People with asthma may suffer an asthma attack if they are exposed to certain triggers, which tend to vary from person to person. The following are the most common culprits. 1. Pollen  Outdoor allergens include pollen and mold. Allergy season, when pollen counts are highest, varies depending on where you … Read More

What Is Asthma and How Is It Treated?

Asthma is often thought of as a disease of childhood, but it can affect anyone at any age. In fact, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reports that about 25 million Americans—including 7 million children—have asthma. It’s a condition in which the airways become inflamed and narrowed. Your airways … Read More

Natural Asthma Remedies: Exercise Is Key

You might think that exercise is bad for asthma, but when done safely, it’s actually one of the more effective natural asthma remedies. Don’t let your symptoms hold you back from getting regular physical activity. Your asthma, as well as your overall health, will benefit tremendously if you exercise more. … Read More

4 of the Best Asthma Home Remedies

When a person experiences an asthma attack, generally three things are happening at once. The airways grow inflamed, shrinking the space for air to travel; the bronchial muscles tighten, pushing the inflamed walls even closer together; and excess mucus is produced—taking up the precious little space. Conventional rescue inhalers (such … Read More

5 Fun Mindful Exercises to Improve Health and Well-Being

In the past few years, my health has changed dramatically, and I have finally found some significant relief from the chronic pain and fatigue that has been plaguing me for almost a decade. I credit this to many lifestyle changes I have been committed to making, including exercising regularly and … Read More

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