saline nasal spray

9 Home Remedies to Relieve Flu Symptoms

Flu is a viral upper respiratory tract infection that can usually be diagnosed by its symptoms. Flu symptoms start suddenly and include fever, chills, cough, congestion, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. According to the CDC, most people do not need to see a doctor or take medication. They … Read More

How to Prevent and Treat a Clogged Ear

Do sounds become muffled when you’ve got a cold? Does your ear feel blocked after a long swim? Sounds like you’re suffering from clogged ear, an annoying condition that can make hearing a challenge. While a clogged ear can indicate an ear infection, it could also be a sign of … Read More

Deviated Septum: How to Manage Symptoms

A deviated septum is a condition you may have had from birth, or it can result from a broken nose or similar injury. Regardless of its origin, a deviated septum can affect your breathing and lead to chronic congestion and sinus infections. Treatments for deviated septum symptoms can be as … Read More

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