dry eye

Eating for Eyesight: Which Foods Protect Your Eyes?

Can what you eat affect your eyesight? And which foods protect your eyes? Research shows that three particular carotenoids, each of them antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, play a role in good vision: lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin. Studies verify that astaxanthin protects the eyes against damage and daily wear-and-tear[1], decreases eye … Read More

Do You Know About These Manuka Honey Uses?

Honey made from the manuka plant has enhanced antimicrobial and wound healing properties that make it excellent at treating cuts, scrapes, infections, and burns. Manuka honey has antibacterial effects and can kill or inhibit several strands of bacteria, even some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Manuka honey has even been found to be safe to … Read More

What To Do About Dry Eye Syndrome

The National Eye Institute estimates 5 million people over age 50 suffer from dry eye syndrome. This lack of a healthy tear film in our eyes leaves the person uncomfortable and prone to eye irritation. Dry eye syndrome may be due to the eyes not producing enough tears or the … Read More

Eye Strain: Why It Happens and 4 Ways to Relieve It

You won’t “ruin your eyesight” from reading in dim light—sorry, mom—but you may occasionally experience eye strain when you overtax your vision for prolonged periods. Fortunately, eye strain doesn’t lead to vision loss unless it’s associated with some underlying medical problem. In most cases, you can get to the bottom … Read More

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