home remedy

How to Find Migraine Relief at Home

When looking for at home migraine relief, a quick online search will pull up several options for ice caps or ice hats for migraines. Some of these cover your head and your eyes and they cost about 40 dollars. If you are one of the 12 percent of Americans that … Read More

What Causes Excessive Ear Wax?

According to a review in the medical journal American Family Physician, the medical term for earwax is cerumen, and it serves an important function. Earwax keeps the thin layer of skin in your ear canal clean, moist, and protected from germs. Earwax is a combination of wax secreted by cerumen … Read More

Turmeric Benefits May Lower LDL Cholesterol

If you want to lower LDL naturally, the answer may lie in your spice rack. Turmeric is the Indian spice that gives curry its golden color. While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind for cholesterol health, research indicates turmeric's benefits include that it is one … Read More

How to Use a Neti Pot to Stop a Runny Nose

Maybe you’ve seen one in an ad, or you have a friend who’s tried using one. If you haven’t tried one yourself or seen one in action first-hand, the neti pot may seem like an absurd, strange home remedy. But don’t let your skepticism hold you back from what may … Read More

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites in Humans

Microorganisms feeding on our bodies outnumber our cells by 10 to 1. A typical person carries as many as six pounds of microbes, all living in a delicate, symbiotic balance amongst each other. These microbes can cause either a beneficial or a harmful effect. Most assuredly, an imbalanced overgrowth of … Read More

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