ear wax

How Long Does Tinnitus Last?

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, tinnitus is a sound in your ears that only you can hear. It is often referred to as ringing in the ears, but for some people, it may sound more like roaring or hissing. Most people with tinnitus … Read More

What Causes Excessive Ear Wax?

According to a review in the medical journal American Family Physician, the medical term for earwax is cerumen, and it serves an important function. Earwax keeps the thin layer of skin in your ear canal clean, moist, and protected from germs. Earwax is a combination of wax secreted by cerumen … Read More

Omega-3 Benefits and Deficiency Symptoms

The one supplement most experts recommend to almost everyone—no matter your age, height, weight, or gender—is omega-3 fatty acids. Because of their wide-ranging health benefits, omega-3 supplements are the closest thing we have to a miracle pill. But why? Simply put, omega-3 fatty acids are essential. The body can synthesize … Read More

How to Prevent and Treat a Clogged Ear

Do sounds become muffled when you’ve got a cold? Does your ear feel blocked after a long swim? Sounds like you’re suffering from clogged ear, an annoying condition that can make hearing a challenge. While a clogged ear can indicate an ear infection, it could also be a sign of … Read More

Hearing Aids: How to Find the Right Ones for Your Ears

Hearing aids are expensive (average cost: $4,700 for two—and HealthyHearing.com says as much as $4,000 each), they require a prescription, and they're not covered by Medicare. If a commercial insurance plan covers anything, it’s usually the hearing exam and maybe a small portion of low-end hearing aids. Many people don’t … Read More

How to Remove Ear Wax

Your ear wax may not appear like a vital bodily function, but it plays an important role in your ear health. Ear wax (also spelled as one word: earwax) is a yellowish, waxy substance called cerumen, and it is produced by glands in the ear canal. Its job is to … Read More

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