iron deficiency symptoms

9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms You Can Identify Yourself

Do you think you have iron deficiency symptoms? Learn to identify the symptoms, and what to do about it if you are deficient in this vital element. Iron Deficiency Symptoms Iron is needed for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to deliver it … Read More

Iron Deficiency Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

In Part 1 of this article you learned about a study showing how chronic fatigue can be successfully treated with iron supplements in women who have iron deficiency but don’t have full blown anemia.[1] (Find 9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms here.) The French and Swiss researchers found that iron supplementation for 12 … Read More

Anemia Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anemia is a common blood disorder caused by any number of factors, including iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, pregnancy, infection, autoimmune disorders, genetics, chronic disease, chemotherapy, or congenital abnormalities. Depending on the type you’re diagnosed with, anemia causes the reduction in the amount or dysfunction of red blood cells in your … Read More

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