good nutrition

What’s the Healthiest Cooking Oil?

Liquid vegetables oils—for example, olive oil and soybean oil—are celebrated as healthy unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fatty acids, when substituted for saturated fats, support general heart health. But for cooking, baking, or dressing salads, what is the healthiest cooking oil? Many people would probably give the answer that olive oil is … Read More

9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms You Can Identify Yourself

Do you think you have iron deficiency symptoms? Learn to identify the symptoms, and what to do about it if you are deficient in this vital element. Iron Deficiency Symptoms Iron is needed for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to deliver it … Read More

Complete Nutrition: Vegetables Are Essential

Vegetables have always had a reputation for boosting our health. Research continues to support the long-held standard that a vegetable-rich diet is a key part of any complete nutrition plan—and a winning approach to optimal health and disease protection. Research suggests that a vegetable-rich diet can lower your risk of … Read More

4 Types of Dementia and Their Warning Signs

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common of the various types of dementia and has become something of a “catch-all” term for severe cognitive impairment, but it isn’t the only type of dementia to which older adults are vulnerable. “Figuring out which type a person has is important, since the drug treatments … Read More

How to Increase Memory Power: 4 Proven Methods

It happens—that so-called “senior moment” where you forget a word, completely miss an appointment, or can’t recognize the face of someone who so clearly knows you. But don’t worry; you can do something about those memory lapses. A number of simple routines you can adopt may increase memory power—and provide … Read More

8 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Any time you munch on a tasty snack or drink a glass of fruit juice, your body gets to work processing the nutrients you have just consumed. This process is called metabolism. Through metabolism, your body converts food into the energy it needs to live and thrive. In this article, … Read More

Choosing The Best Gluten-Free Flour Substitute

Six years ago, when I first had to alter my diet to treat my migraines, finding the words “gluten-free” on a product was a challenge. And when I did, it rarely tasted great – not at all like the real thing. Now, however, most grocery stores and bakeries sell at … Read More

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