
8 Energy-Boosting Foods to Help Keep You Alert

Instead of reaching for an unhealthy energy drink or soda, try one of the following eight energy-boosting foods. 1. Green Tea Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, energy drinks) is a drug, a strong stimulant that actually generates a stress reaction in the body. Try going for three weeks without caffeine. … Read More

Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones or renal calculi are a common and unpleasant condition in which small “stones” develop in the kidneys, causing severe pain as they travel through the ureters—tubes between the kidneys and the bladder. They affect around 1 in 11 adults in the United States. Most stones pass spontaneously but … Read More

Feeling Sleepy All the Time? Wake Up with a Detox!

Feeling sleepy all the time zaps the fun out of life. It robs you of your motivation and can make it next to impossible to perform even your most basic day-to-day tasks. Instead of turning to caffeine, energy drinks, and sugar to keep you going, there’s a much safer, more effective … Read More

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