herbal remedies

The Unusual Link Between Low Stomach Acid and Osteoporosis

Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD, a well-known natural healing physician in Renton, Washington reports that 90 percent of his patients with osteoporosis have low stomach acid. What's the link? If stomach acid is low, he explains, your body won't be able to absorb calcium, strontium, magnesium and the other minerals critical … Read More

8 Energy-Boosting Foods to Help Keep You Alert

Instead of reaching for an unhealthy energy drink or soda, try one of the following eight energy-boosting foods. 1. Green Tea Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, energy drinks) is a drug, a strong stimulant that actually generates a stress reaction in the body. Try going for three weeks without caffeine. … Read More

Ulcerative Colitis Natural Treatment: 4 Herbal Remedies to Try

While there may be no known cure for inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis, there are many natural strategies that can help you to control your symptoms, such as making dietary changes, taking probiotics, getting regular exercise, and addressing a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), to name a few. Supplementing … Read More

Natural Antidepressants to Try (and to Avoid)

Supplements making memory and cognitive claims may be marketed as beneficial for mood, depression, sleep quality, and “energy.” Other products focus primarily on these mental factors that affect mood and behavior, which in turn can indirectly affect cognition. The evidence for the effectiveness of these natural antidepressants is mixed, though … Read More

Managing Arthritis Symptoms: 3 Alternative Options

Alternative treatment options can be a good adjunct to medication when it comes to managing arthritis symptoms. Some of the options address physical causes of pain, but don’t forget that chronic pain is complicated. In arthritis, tissue inflammation, bone erosion, and nerve impingement can combine to “rewire” your nervous system, … Read More

Liver Detox Tea as Part of Your DIY New Year’s Detox Cleanse

A New Year’s detox cleanse is the perfect way to improve your health, jump-start a weight loss program, or taper off chemicals such as: nicotine, caffeine, alcohol or over-the-counter medications. In part 1, you learned about the importance of the gastrointestinal tract in the body’s detoxification process and how to … Read More

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