major depression

5 Common Fatigue Causes: Understanding Why You’re So Tired

Fatigue is a common symptom in people with medical conditions like cancer and diabetes, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and even in people who are otherwise “healthy.” Yet despite how prevalent it is, medical researchers still do not completely understand what happens in the body to cause fatigue. They … Read More

8 Easy Tips for Coping with Depression

Coping with depression can be very difficult, but you can lessen the blow by recognizing when you have symptoms and getting professional help. Follow the treatment plan your doctor prescribes. Contact your doctor right away if you are having bothersome or worrisome side effects from your medication. Keep in mind … Read More

Signs of Depression Relapse and How to Prevent Them

One of the most important, yet most neglected, aspects of depression treatment is preventing depression from returning. Relapse refers to the returning signs of depression after a period of weeks or months of doing well. The term recurrence sometimes refers to a relapse that occurs late, after many months or … Read More

Natural Antidepressants to Try (and to Avoid)

Supplements making memory and cognitive claims may be marketed as beneficial for mood, depression, sleep quality, and “energy.” Other products focus primarily on these mental factors that affect mood and behavior, which in turn can indirectly affect cognition. The evidence for the effectiveness of these natural antidepressants is mixed, though … Read More

2 Natural Antidepressants Found to Be as Effective as Prozac

Want to relieve your depression symptoms using safe, natural antidepressants? Want an herbal alternative that can improve your depression symptoms without antidepressant side effects? How about avoiding the weight gain and sexual dysfunction sometimes associated with antidepressant medications? Two herbal extracts known for their brilliant, yellow-orange hues—curcumin and saffron—both have … Read More

How To Fight Depression: 6 Steps to Higher Spirits

Depression manifests differently in everyone. Some people, especially the elderly, may think that feeling depressed is a natural part of aging. But depression isn’t normal at any age. How to fight depression? Whether you’re 18 or 80, you can take many lifestyle strategies to help yourself feel better quickly. 1. … Read More

Yoga is Powerful Chronic Fatigue Treatment, Studies Show

Are you so constantly tired that the thought of gathering up enough energy to exercise seems ludicrous, if not downright impossible? A growing amount of research is showing how physical activity in the form of yoga can be an effective chronic fatigue treatment and a great way to reduce tiredness … Read More

The Future May Bring a Reliable Bipolar Test

If you’re looking for a bipolar test because you’re dealing with mood swings and worried you have early signs of bipolar disease—also called manic depression or manic-depressive disorder—you’re going to be disappointed.  There is no reliable, confirmed diagnostic bipolar test to confirm a diagnosis for the over-the-top shifts in a … Read More

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