anxiety and insomnia

8 Ways to Curb Your Sweet Tooth

Most of us crave sugar occasionally (or, perhaps, often), especially during the holidays or at parties with well-stocked dessert tables. Sugar is delicious, plain and simple—not to mention that when it comes from natural sources, it fuels our bodies with much-needed energy. But if you have a nagging sweet tooth … Read More

Do Antidepressants Really Work?

Depression is miserable and debilitating. It can rob you of your motivation, energy, and zest for life. The goal of treating depression is simple—to feel better! With more than 10 percent of the population taking antidepressants, it seems prudent to ask, “Do antidepressants really work?” Antidepressants are the second most … Read More

17 New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Think “Healthy”

It’s a tradition when it comes to any New Year’s Resolution: Ideas center on self-improvement—and often in the area of health. And why not? For some, buying a new car or traveling to an exotic locale might come first. But without our health, those fancy material possessions and adventurous trips … Read More

Eye Twitching: Harmless Annoyance… or a Cause for Concern?

Occasional eye twitching is a benign but annoying condition. It often lasts only a few minutes to an hour, usually involves only one eyelid, and is related to fatigue, stress, or both. A relaxing maneuver—even a stress-releasing giggle at its arrival—can sometimes end the involuntary eye twitching. But eye twitching … Read More

D-Limonene: Effective for Lowering Cholesterol Naturally and Much More

D-limonene, one of the most common terpenes in nature, is a major constituent in several citrus fruits— oranges, lemons, mandarins, limes and grapefruits—and provides these fruits their pleasant scent. In fact, d-limonene is often used in soaps, perfumes, lotions, and environmentally friendly household cleaning products due to its appealing aroma. … Read More

Serotonin: Vital Brain Chemical Affects Both Mood and Cognition

The importance of the neurotransmitter serotonin in affecting mood has been widely acknowledged in numerous studies linking low brain levels of this key chemical with depression, anxiety, and irritability. Now, scientists are reporting another significant role the neurotransmitter plays in the brain—that of promoting memory and cognition. Inadequate brain levels … Read More

What Does Serotonin Do?

It's an important question in trying to understand the chemicals that help define us: "What does serotonin do?" Serotonin is a neurotransmitter—a brain chemical that helps to activate communication between brain cells. Neurotransmitters work by binding to receptors (molecules of protein that receive external signals) on the surface of cells. … Read More

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