increase energy

Healthy Eating Can Slow Mental Decline

Healthy eating is essential to keeping your brain in peak condition. Brain cells need a rich and varied supply of vitamins and nutrients to grow and function properly, and to resist and repair damage. Important elements supplied by foods help protect your brain from free radicals (unstable molecules that damage … Read More

5 New Reasons to Love Spicy Foods

When you have the option, do you always choose mild over spicy foods? When your waiter asks, “how hot would you like that?” do you order one star out of five? If so, it may be time to dial up your spice level. These mouth-burning foods are worth getting used … Read More

Vitamins for Energy? Yes!

Can taking vitamins really give you more energy?  Based on the results of numerous research studies, the answer is, “Yes!” Taking vitamins for energy has been shown in a number of randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled-clinical studies (the gold standard for evaluating a treatment) to increase energy and decrease fatigue. Studies … Read More

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