
Can Allergies Make You Tired?

A flare up of allergy symptoms can happen any time of year. In fact, about two-thirds of people who have seasonal allergy, actually have allergy symptoms all year, although they may not be as obvious. Symptoms like cough and congestion may be caused by winter or indoor allergies like pets, … Read More

Fall Allergies? Here’s How to Beat Them

When summer’s hot, sticky days give way to the cool, crisp air of autumn, the refreshing weather should offer relief from your allergies, right? Unfortunately, not. Fall allergies are a thing, and they could be the reason you can’t stop sneezing. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & … Read More

Best Mosquito Bite Remedy? 5 Options for Quick Relief

They’re masters of sneak attacks: tiny, almost weightless mosquitoes that—as all of us know from experience—can land, jab, and start sucking blood before we know what hit us. More often than not, they’re just quick enough to avoid our fastest slaps. And what do they leave behind? Saliva—enough of it … Read More

How to Treat a Bee Sting

You're outside on a hot day, minding your own business as you rake around the shrubbery when, out of the blue, you feel the unmistakable jab of an angry bee's stinger. If you're lucky, it's just one. Your first goal is to get the heck away from the scene of … Read More

Insomnia Medication: Understand the Differences

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a list featuring a variety of sleep aid medications to treat insomnia. Because these are powerful medications, they should be used carefully and, in most cases, not for extended periods. If your doctor suggests medications to treat your insomnia, be sure … Read More

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