allergy symptoms

What Are Sulfites and Are They Bad for You?

Sulfites are commonly blamed as the culprit behind wine-drinking headaches. While that hasn’t been confirmed, sulfites can be the cause of some other serious problems. These food additives have long been used to preserve freshness and are ingredients in many foods, beverages, cosmetics, and medications. They also occur naturally in … Read More

What Is Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss?

Sudden deafness, also called sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) is a medical emergency. If you get diagnosed and treated right away, you have about an 85 percent chance of recovering your hearing. If you don’t, your chance of recovering drops to 50 percent. SSHL usually requires a referral to an … Read More

Can Allergies Make You Tired?

A flare up of allergy symptoms can happen any time of year. In fact, about two-thirds of people who have seasonal allergy, actually have allergy symptoms all year, although they may not be as obvious. Symptoms like cough and congestion may be caused by winter or indoor allergies like pets, … Read More

5 Reasons You May Have Leaky Gut Syndrome

The lining of your gut is directly related to the health of your whole body. This lining forms a crucial barrier between you and the outside world. In a sense, everything inside your gut is outside of you. Only a few very specific substances are normally allowed through, and the … Read More

Omega-3 Benefits and Deficiency Symptoms

The one supplement most experts recommend to almost everyone—no matter your age, height, weight, or gender—is omega-3 fatty acids. Because of their wide-ranging health benefits, omega-3 supplements are the closest thing we have to a miracle pill. But why? Simply put, omega-3 fatty acids are essential. The body can synthesize … Read More

The Surprising Link Between Gluten and Depression

Is there a connection between gluten and depression? Investigators from the Department of Gastroenterology at Monash University and The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, had observed from previous studies that people with gluten sensitivity (but without celiac disease) may still have digestive symptoms while on a gluten-free diet but continue … Read More

Seasonal Allergies: How to Fight Them With Food

Spring arrived early this year in my hometown, and so did allergy season. The sounds of sneezing and sniffling are everywhere, and allergy medicines are flying off the drugstore shelves. Fortunately, I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies as an adult the way I did as a child, and even … Read More

Are Eggs Healthy?

Whether they were scrambled, fried, boiled, poached, or beat into an omelet, chances are that you had eggs for breakfast this morning. They’re an easy, filling, and affordable way to start the day. And even if you don’t like their taste, eggs often are the main ingredient in some of … Read More

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