pain in the back

Prostate Cancer Symptoms: 15 Common (and Not-So-Common) Signs

Despite the fact that there are roughly 221,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in American men each year, many of them have no prostate cancer symptoms. In these asymptomatic men, prostate cancer is often detected during routine screening with tests such as a digital rectal exam, urinalysis, and possibly … Read More

7 Symptoms of Heart Attack

You’ve no doubt seen movies or television shows in which a character clutches his or her chest for a moment and then collapses because of a heart attack. Or maybe you’ve actually seen someone experience such an event—or suffered a heart attack yourself. If so, it’s possible that your symptoms … Read More

Is a Pinched Nerve Causing Your Pain?

It can be difficult to cope with nerve pain like that caused by a pinched nerve, partly because of the nature of the pain and partly because common over-the-counter painkilling drugs aren’t very effective at treating it. People who suffer from a pinched nerve or from other types of nerve … Read More

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